Welcome to the website of the Carraig Gheal Wind Farm.
The Carraig Gheal Wind Farm is an operating 20 turbine project in West Argyll developed by GreenPower (Carraig Gheal) Ltd with combined installed capacity of around 46 MW – sufficient to supply 32,000 Scottish households with clean, renewable energy.
The site is at Fernoch Farm, in Argyll & Bute, Scotland, in an area approximately 8km west of Kilchrenan which is on the north-west side of Loch Awe.
Following a successful application to Scottish Ministers, consent has been granted to extend the lifetime of the wind farm from 25 years to 40 years. This will keep Carraig Gheal producing renewable energy right through to the middle of this century, taking its lifetime out to 2053.
The decision notice is now available to view on the website here, with full details available on the Energy Consents Unit website under the reference ECU00003394.