Fund Management and Decision Making Process
Carraig Gheal Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund is divided between two separate funding schemes and the decision making process on which applications will be approved is different for both.
Micro-Grant Scheme
The micro-grant scheme, which is available to individuals, constituted and non-constituted groups who may apply for grants of up to £750* is administered by GreenPower's Jennie Cowley, who receives all applications. These applications are then forwarded to the relevant Community Council. Decisions on which applications will be funded will be carried out by the Community Council whose area the applicant is based in. The decision of the Community Council is final. The Community Council will then inform Jennie of their decision on each application. GreenPower will then make the arrangements for payment of funds to the successful applications.
* Please note that the £750 limit for micro-grants is a temporary increase from £250 for the 2024/25 year and it should not be assumed this limit of £750 will be available in the future.
Main Grant Scheme
The main grant scheme, which is only available to constituted groups, who may apply for grants of up to £10,000, is administered and managed by GreenPower. These applications are then forwarded to the Carraig Gheal Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund Steering Group. The Steering Group will meet at least twice a year to decide which applications will be funded and their decision is final. The Steering Group will then inform GreenPower of their decision on each application and GreenPower will then make the arrangements for payment of funds to the successful applications. These payments may require to be made in staged payments dependent upon your project.